On 18th April 2019, Prof. James Mdoe, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Education, Science and Technology, visited Mzumbe University Main Campus to inspect the construction of student hostels at Maekani area. While at the site, Prof. Mdoe instructed the constructor National Service Corporation Sole (SUMA JKT) to expedite the implementation of the project so as to complete the project within the agreed time frame. He suggested that the contractor could deploy more manpower and increase the number of working shifts to the project.

Mzumbe University is constructing student hostels with a capacity to accommodate 1000 students. The project is financed by the government through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and is planned to be completed on 19th October, 2019.




Mzumbe University,
P.O Box 1 Mzumbe,
Morogoro, Tanzania.
Tel: 255 (0) 23 2931220/1/2
Fax: 255 (0) 23 2931216
Cell: 255 (0) 754694029
Email: cmu@mu.ac.tz
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